
Creating a new account with is a simple and straight forward, while ensuring you and your data is secure.

We will need to access our home page by simply clicking here:

Finq Home Page

Once done we will need to click on Register:

We will see a new portion of the website prompting us to insert the following information:

  1. Email address - We would like to inform you, that, the email address you will insert will become your Login username;
  2. Password - Password must have a minimum of 8 Characters, with at least one UPPERCASE letter, 1 number and '| symbol;                            
  3. Referral code - Inserting this code is Optional;
  4. Account Currency - Available currencies are USD, RUB, ZAR, EUR and LKR.


We have successfully created a trading account with one of the most powerful platform in the market, offering over 2000 assets for a diverse portfolio, congratulations are in order.

We will be prompted by a welcome message, informing us, that, a practice account will be created once we fully complete our registration process. We are offering this practice account as we want to make sure our customers will take an informed decision and if needed gain free of risk experience before choosing us as their Trading Platform.

Registration form will contain 2 Important Steps:

Personal Information

Phone as a broker is fully aware that "time is money" and " Information is power ", to that end we are providing dedicated Account Managers to ensure that we can assist you in taking advantage of our platform facilities and keep you up to date with market news coming from 3rd party independent analysts. We would like to inform you, that, setting up appointments, requesting contact or cease of contact can be done by sending a request at [email protected] from your registered email address.


TIN - Know as Tax Identification Number - If applicable in your jurisdiction;